Thursday, January 16, 2014

Five minute Friday - encouragement

Encouragement is what I so desperately need and what has always been missing.  As I've given it to my children, they have turned around and given it back to me.  We will ask Jesus and we will keep trying.  We fail.  But even in the last few days, he's started turning it around, the child that struggles with control, his progress is encouraging me.  We're not a lost cause; kindness can appear like a rainbow in the sky when we didn't expect it.  I've always had the urge to encourage others, I can feel the crumbs of their hope, and long with them that they could grow into more.  But right now, I don't know what to do with my own crumbs, they don't make sense to me anymore - old dreams, current reality, the habit of disappointment combine to make my life muddy.  A mustard seed.  That's all I need.  That's what he said.  So I rest on that.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Ohhhh . . . I so understand NEEDING that encouragement. Our days as moms get so long, but let me encourage you - it will get better, it will get easier, and as you hear so often, it will go TOO FAST. Take the time to sit down and enjoy your children - even with the messes and laundry around. Read a funny story with them. Play a game. Watch a movie. Let stuff go. My oldest is 27. Youngest 7. It's been some LONG years at times - but there's much I miss too. Blessings dear mother - Jesus is waiting to encourage you too!

  2. We are neighbors today over at Lisa Jo's... it's amazing how powerful a little encouragement can be, isn't it? So glad you are seeing it... I am praying that each day - you find it more and more!

    Often it really is when we give it away and it seems to just be poured right in!

    Keep at it! Whatever you 'this' is... He's got this!


  3. Stopping by from FMF...
    What a blessing it is that we are not lost causes, and that there is hope for progress from our little ones! These mind-numbing days can be so exhausting... Praying you receive encouragement for your crumbs!
