Friday, July 27, 2012

What is saving Princess Morag right now?

The morning chorus of her wee ones imaginative play even though it is an earlier hour than Princess Morag ever wants to see/hear.  The sun on her back as she weeds the flower bed - who knew that she might actually enjoy gardening?  The fact that it has rained this week, and there are sometimes clouds in the sky.  Access to the hope of heaven.  News from friends, any news will do, just so she knows they remember her.  The swamp cooler.  Memories of the baby days, without the exhaustion that accompanied them.  Singing and laughing with her children, basking in their love.  Children's spontaneous prayers, revealing their heart.  Praying scripture, knowing it's not possible to do it wrong.  Marvelling at the birds outside and knowing that God thinks us more worthy than our free flying feathered friends.  Walking the neighbourhood, feeling the presence of the mountains hemming her in.

Friday, July 13, 2012

big blessings

Princess Morag reacquainted herself today with one of her old favourite tv programmes - Deal or No Deal.  In today's episode the contestant settled for a low/mid-range winning sum, but she could have had the top prize if she'd kept playing!  It is quite likely that many people do this in life.  Princess Morag is musing over the fact that in order to receive BIG blessings, not only does one need courage, but also the ability to handle the discomfort of doubt.  Faith can only grow by being tested, but that process of being tested is uncomfortable, it involves risk taking and facing the possibility of failure.  Even if the rewards are great, like on the tv show, sometimes we just can't face the short-term suffering of our mental and physical battle with fear - what if the worst happens?  But what if the best was going to happen if we hadn't short changed ourselves?

"Therefore we do not lose heart...For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" 2Cor4.16-18  (NIV)

sweating in a pool of discontentment

Princess Morag is being forced to live in a climate she is entirely unfamiliar with.  Hot desert is the complete opposite of what her 32 year old body is used to, and it's not adapting awfully well.

Also, when it's sunny and warm you are supposed to spend time outside, right?  But Princess Morag doesn't know what to do outside, except be grumpy about the fact that she's out there and doesn't know what to do.

And the master and young maiden seem to want to be inside when Princess Morag wants to be outside and vice versa - it feels like never ending no-win situations.

Throw in some general anxiety about the future, thorough homesickness, and creeping loneliness and voila: Princess Morag has learned how to be discontent!  This is the opposite of what she was meditating on the other day.  Paul says in Philippians 4.12 "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation".  Finding Nemo's Dory just came to mind; she says: 'just keep swimming', Princess Morag is going to endeavour to 'just keep praying, just keep praying....'

Friday, July 06, 2012

Why Merida?

You might have read in a previous post the problems Princess Morag has had over her name since moving to the new realm.  She is currently pretty gutted that Pixar decided not to name their Scottish princess after her as it would have made her life a whole lot easier.  What makes it even more galling is that Merida isn't even a Scottish name!!!!  

growing peace

Princess Morag realised today that life over the last few years has involved phases of spiritual development.  The 2010/11 phase can be summed up by the realisation that sometimes the stuff that happens in her life might not always be about her.....

And 2012 has so far been characterised by the growing wisdom of keeping her mouth shut and listening.  Listening to other people and most importantly listening to God.

Despite being simple sayings, neither of those spiritual lessons have been easy.  But when Princess Morag has disciplined her mind and her will to truly believe in the truth of the lesson, there has been peace.  And peace is normally pretty elusive; anxiety is a more familiar companion, but definitely not a friend.  We crave peace but so often we choose distraction instead.  But distraction is only a temporary fix, a 'band-aid' if you will.  To choose peace means you have to stop running away from the fear - face it - confess fearing the fear more than fearing God - ask him for forgiveness, for help, for healing, for direction.....He is faithful.  Praise Him.  

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition,with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6